Safeguarding Children

Keeping Safe-

Keeping our young people safe while they are in our care is of paramount importance to us.

All of our staff receive regular safeguarding training and we have an online system for reporting concerns and tracking patterns. Our governors monitor our safeguarding practice to ensure we remain compliance, plus we have regular checks from the Local Authority. It is also part of the Ofsted framework.

We take any concerns very seriously. You can report any concern to one of our dedicated safeguarding team:

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Sara Allen – Interim Head
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Fiona Tickle
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Sam Scott
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Paula Lindfield
Safeguarding Link Governor
Mr Owen Sheppard
Safeguarding Link Governor
Mr Andy Fitchet

Learning the Risks-

We also teach the children about potential risks – in school, at home and in the community. These are usually handled through our PSHE lessons, although e-safety is also covered in IT lessons.

If you have any concerns, or wish to learn more about how we safeguard your child, please contact us.

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